Self-locating strings in the prime numbers

Today I had a sequence accepted at the On-line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences [A34259]. After watching this excellent Numberphile a few months ago, I thought to myself that I should look for such numbers in the sequence of primes. It took me a while to get to it, but Sunday I sat down and wrote a simple program to do so. I was pretty excited and shocked to see that no one had submitted this sequence yet. So, I submitted it Monday, and of course was immediately told that I had a bug in my program. After a nice back and forth with the editors, they published it today.

If you watch the video you see he also talks about loops. Interestingly, I haven’t found any in the string of primes less than a billion. I really don’t know what any of this means about prime numbers, or whether anyone does, but if you do please let me know.

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I'm Soren Telfer. From 2012-2020, I ran AT&T's Silicon Valley innovation lab, where we delivered hundreds of projects that impacted almost every part of the business. Now I'm consulting on technology and writing about what I find interesting. I've been a CTO, written a ton of software, and have been kicking around physics for the last twenty years.